Friday, July 31, 2009

Daddy's Little Girl

Today is my birthday! You can't see it, but I'm super excited about it! I mean, I got to live till I was eighteen! Considering the abysmal way I cross the roads, I am very grateful.

So this morning, I bounded down the stairs with a spring in my step (not really) and when I got downstairs and saw my mom reading the newspaper and my dad coming into the house with breakfast in his hands, I quite literally screamed "Happy birthday to meeeeee!!!"


My mom went "Ya hor. Happy birthday! What do you want?" and I shrugged.

Then my dad butted into the conversation:
I got you a birthday cake! =D
Oooh yay! Where is it? I don't see it! Is it in the car??
Small cake only la.
Cupcake? =D =D
Nah, your cake.


You think you would want your parents to have a sense of humor, but really, you don't.

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