Tuesday, January 5, 2010

We Got The Beat

My semester break is almost ending. I'm not ready for classes to commence yet! I feel as though I haven't gotten the most out of this holiday. But, hehe, if things go as I wish them to be, then I might be extending my holiday till Chinese New Year! That's mid February, in case you don't know. But since nothing is confirmed yet, I'd rather not talk about it and risk jinxing it. I'm a little superstitious that way.

Jeez, I remember when I was 10, I thought the word "superstitious" and "supernatural" were all that because they were so bloody long! But now, I know that hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia is the longest word. BTW, hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia is the fear of long words. And who says scholars do not have a sense of humor huh?

Oh wow. How in the world did I go from semester break to longest word? Sometimes, I'm amazed by the way my mind works. Haha.

But anyway. 2010! What a year '09 has been. Unlike '08, where majority of the people agreed that it was a sucky year and how glad they were that it's over and done with, 2009 was a pretty good year. I don't know about other people, but last year was certainly one of the best years in recent memory. But considering that my memory fails me all the time, perhaps that isn't one of the best examples.

Oh well.

2009 was great because.... Well, I think I grew up a lot last year. Emotionally and mentally. I mean, I thought I grew up a lot over the course of 2008 too, but I dunno, '09 just seemed different. Good different. I really found out who were my close friends, and who I could trust.

Some people who I never thought I would be close to, are now one of my best-est friends. You guys know who you are! But aiyah, I wanna list names. Haha. KayKay, Nat, KarMun and Ameera would top this list, I think.

I've also changed the way I study! I'm very impressed with myself on this because, ever since I was in foundation, or heck, even back in high school, I have vowed to study consistently and not leave assignments and such till the last minute to complete them. Of course, this pesky thing called Turn It In has also motivated me to start on my assignments a bit earlier in order to avoid the last minute jam that seems so popular on the plagiarism website. But besides that, I now actually start on the assignment as soon as it's given! Does that spell out G-E-E-K or what? I'm majorly proud of myself.

And the studying, gosh. I don't think I've ever studied consistently in my life before! Besides fucking Sociology, I did that for all my other subjects and I found that I hardly had to cram when finals came around! It was liberating! :D
Of course, having a study buddy does not hurt either. Having a study buddy who doesn't talk and just sleeps there while you struggle to understand Freud's twisted reasonings and Pavlov's drooling dogs might be beneficial, but also boring. Therefore, you should get a study buddy who's not sleepy all the time, but loves to talk occasionally. Then you sit on opposite sides of the room so that you won't be tempted to talk all the time. Ameera, you know this is true! Haha!

So back to the semester break thing, since I only have like, six more days till school begins, I think I have enough time to start and finish a new project right? I'm making a scrapbook! The idea has always fascinated me. I love arts and crafts. It's gonna be a present for KayKay. :) Just a friendly reminder for her of me. Hahaha.

You'll never know what could happen. *ominous tone*

But looking back on 2009, I don't think I grew much as a person. Still as selfish and bitchy as ever. Haha.

PS: I passed my driving exam! Congratulate me! :D

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