Saturday, January 23, 2010

Somethin' Special

I was talking about something or another to KayKay today while she drove me home when I realized something quite astronomical. And quite depressing, now that I think about it. KayKay and I were gossiping about my friends as usual (we don't have anything else to talk about, ha-ha), and I said something random like "Haiyah, so sad, why are all my friends so good looking one."

I thought about it a little more, and realized something. The majority of my friends are really good looking. Don't ask me why I'm so masochistic, surrounding myself with people who look so freaking good most of all the freaking time. And then I sit there, feeling like the ugly duckling amongst all the swans. KayKay said I'm talking crap, and that the reason 97% of my friends are good looking is because I myself am good looking. Bull-to-the-mutha-shit. We all know she's obligated to say that. Haha!

You know how sometimes when you play inane games like 20 Questions and you get asked all these random questions that have no head or tail to them? Well, once, I got asked this question: "How do you feel when you stand next to someone really ugly?" And I smirked, and said "Really pretty." Yes, I'm mean.

But yah! What if that's the reason why I have all these gorgeous friends leh? Not that I'm really ugly lah, I know I'm not. For really ugly, please refer to my older brother. Hahahahaha!

Ahem. Like I was saying, what if the only reason my friends are my friends because they use my as a measuring stick to feel good? That would really suck lor! I go jump off the Penang bridge. Haha.

Then I got to thinking a little more (yes, I know how dangerous this can be) about the things my friends have that I do not. Talent, money, brains....

Honestly, I have no idea where my talents lie, aside from the ability to yak about something, everything and nothing. But then there are people around me who can shred the guitar like Hendrix, take pictures like Leibovitz, sing like Lady GaGa, and all I can do is talk? I mean, the only thing I can do that all but a handful of my friends can do is play the drums, but even then I suck at it without regular practice. Bah!, I say.

Money? I'm comfortable, with a roof above my head and food in my tummy, but not rich enough to be able to have a luxury bag for every day of the week. And I'm okay with that. But sometimes, looking at people just splash money around like it's water... I can't help but feel that if that were my money, I would put it to so much better use!

And the thing that I'm really lacking of, is brains. No, really! Most people assume that just because I skipped a grade when I was nine makes me smart. But remember, that was almost ten years ago! And honestly, I was only smart back then because my mom was a pusher, she pushed me to study really hard to get really good grades. Granted, the exam we took back when we were eight measures IQ, but come on! Like we really knew that. Well, at least I didn't. Or I didn't care. I just took it for fun because, well, it was fun!

But here's the weird thing: I really know that I'm not dumb. I'm just super lazy. And also, if I do not have an interest in a certain subject, then that's it. No matter how much I try to study, how hard I pay attention in class, I would only get mediocre grades. KayKay thinks that it has something to do with my higher-than-average IQ, because I'm "not challenged enough to work on it". She came up with this theory based on her friend whose IQ supposedly borders on "genius".

I don't wanna brag (I so totally do!), but..... My IQ level is actually high enough for me to be accepted into Mensa. I wanted to apply for the test, just for bragging rights, ya know, but my dad said it was a waste of time and money because honestly, you don't get anything but well, bragging rights.

Anyyyyyways. Like I was saying, putting me up with my various friends to compare these things, beauty, talent, fortune and brains, I would hardly register on the top 10 scale. Maybe even the top 30.

But I do know one thing I have over all of them, and that is my wit. I can unabashedly say that no matter which group of friends that I hang out with, I would definitely be one of the funniest people. And I think that's good, because lets be honest, nothing lasts forever. People grow old, their beauty fades. Lavish spending ways can make money disappear. Talent and smarts will only be in awe as long as you're at the top, but there will always be someone better, stronger, smarter just waiting to overtake you in that race.

But humor sticks with you. At least, until you get Alzheimer's and you forget how to make jokes. But what are the odds of that happening anyway, right?

Yeah, I think I would rather be funny. :)

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