Sunday, July 26, 2009


Have you ever wondered just how accurate star signs can be? I was talking to EeMay online about our zodiac signs (we're both Leos) and came to the conclusion that Leos are undoubtedly the best. If you don't believe me, just ask any Leo out there. Karmun agrees with me too, that Leos are the best (she's a Leo too). I don't know, you just don't hear someone saying "Pieces Pisces are the best! Leos suck cock!" right? I mean, Pieces Pisces are fish, for goodness sake. How cool can fish be?!

Anyway. So then we started talking about common characteristics that most Leos would share. We got the really outright obvious ones, like how Leos can be very narcissistic and have high self-confidence, and that they can be vain and bossy at times, happy and outgoing and (this is my favorite) loves attention and are very melodramatic.

I started wondering how much of these star signs supposed characteristics are spot on, so I went online to look for all those horoscope stuff.


And the amazing thing is, they actually got most of the characteristics correct, except for the best environment part. In the sun? Maybe la. If it's hot and humid then noooo. But I like the shining part. Hehe

Then after I was done skimming through everything and laughing about it with EeMay, I started reading the article properly from top to bottom. And then I saw this:


And started spazzing out at the Chinese Zodiac Counterpart thing. WTF! If you don't know, I'm not explaining.

Kinda makes you wonder about all these fate and signs and all that.

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