While sitting on this time bomb that the rest of the world likes to call "finals", I made time from my Sex and the City marathon to hit the books in the library. I know I'm like the farthest thing from a nerd as the next TV addict, but I need to put things into perspective. Here it is: Suffer for two more days and get my finals out of the way, then I can get back to Sex and the City and then season 6 of TLW. Sucks to be you if you don't know what TLW is. Hehehe it's an amazing show!
Anyway, like I was saying, I made time for my books and trooped to the library (like I've been doing for the last couple of Saturdays now). But you know, the TTDI library is only open every other weekend and even then it's only like, for less than six hours. Discounting the one hour that I use for lunch, and the fact that I usually reach the library at about 12pm (it closes at 4.30pm), that doesn't leave me a lot of time to study! And I need time to settle down into my nerd mode too.
Fortunately for me, one weekdays they're more considerate and open from 9am till 6.45pm and let me tell you all, that's a lot of time to study. So much, that I got so bored and started Twittering on my phone like crazy. I think I had like twelve Tweets in 30 minutes. Or maybe 15 minutes. Don't believe me, look here. I go nuts with boredom, seriously!
And also, I was falling asleep. Dammit I can't wait till finals are over so that I can begin my decline into a lazy jackhole. That, and go out with people every other day till I get super tired. That, and party all the time ala Black Eyed Peas' latest album, The E.N.D. suggests. Have I mentioned how much I love that album? It makes me want to party! I'm listening to it now and getting very de-motivated to study. SB won't like that.
My study scene. Poor me, laptop was all juiced out so I had no choice but to study. The horror of it all. It's not like the book's boring or anything because it's actually pretty interesting (I'm comparing it to our Sejarah textbooks) but yeah, it's daunting, the amount of words on one damn page.
See see! Then I have to make notes some more.
I don't know why people keep going on and on and on about how pretty my handwriting is. I can't read it for shitz. It's so tinny and pointy and squished together wth. Omg omg omg look at it! It's so tiny, who the hell would want to read it? Even I don't read my notes, and it's my own handwriting. Does anyone have the same complex as I do? Supposedly nice handwriting, but ugly to their own eyes till the extend that they won't read their own notes? So why do I write notes then? Look at the size of those words! I pity my high school English teacher la. For my exam essays, I write an average of two and a half pages for my short essay and about four to five full pages for my long one. Without double spacings. WTF. I'm sorry Pn Monica!!
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