Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Kung Fu Fighting

So a couple weekends back, Catholic High School has this Wushu Night thing.


When I first heard of it, I was pretty damn excited cuz my finals would just be over and at least I would have something to do on a Saturday night other then getting reacquainted with my One Tree Hill DVDs.


Tickets were $10 per pax and my parents paid for them. That was the day that I was supposed to go up to Genting with a couple of college friends, but since my parents forked out all that money *rolls eyes* I had to FFK them and instead go see GayBoy prance around on stage.

Lion dance, not gay prancing. He's not really gay gay, but he acts like it, hence the name.


I think this reads Wushu Night.

I think.


They're so bloody enthusiastic about it, they even make the hosts wear traditional Chinese wear.

Well, as per any school event, there would be boring speeches by VIPs and Headmistresses. And because I do not belong to that school (thank God), I grabbed HSL and went out for dinner.

We came back just in time for the starting of the show.


They started off with the 24 traditional drum thing-thing. I don't know what's it called in English so I made that up.

I feel so proud of myself.


A history of Wushu. Unfortunately, I can't read those Mandarin characters anymore. Five years slaving in a Chinese primary, then three years of suffering through Mandarin in high school, and this is the result.

In my defense, some of the words on that screen are traditional characters. I can read the modern ones just fine, as long as they're easy to read. Haha

So they started off with a sketch.




I had to add this picture cuz the guy on the left has wicked abs.


They're pretty good at fake fighting, I'd give them that.

And then, just for fun, we got dancing.


I was like, What the fuck does dancing have to do with Wushu??


I believe they call it an intermission.

So next up was the spinning yoyo thingy.



It's pretty cool la actually, just not my type of show.


And CHS's students love walking around in circles. I find it funny.

Then came Kung Fu.


Pretty maidens all in a row *snicker*.



They're pretty incredible lor, their stamina. Performances one after another. It's pretty much the same students performing throughout the entire night.


And what's Wushu without Tai Chi? It's really boring.

I think they do this thing where they have an amazing performance, then something boring, then something exciting again and it goes round and round. Mix and match, maybe? Or maybe so that people won't get too excited. I don't know lah, but it's dumb. Just put all exciting stuff la, yor. Wasting people punya money and time only.

And then came another play on something-or-the-other. I wasn't really paying attention because I was busy texting Monkey throughout the entire night, so you'll forgive me if I miss out on the plot a little.


They get smaller every time! Okay lah, maybe I shouldn't laugh. It's not like I'm very tall, myself.



During the drama-rama, they had kids playing the traditional drums around the stage and it was funny cuz they were so apathetic! Like they had no emotions or something..


See see!! And this kid reminds me of a joey. You know, a baby kangaroo? Weird much.

And next up was like a showcase thingy where all the main performers showed off their forte.









This is so cool. The dude can go down on one foot. The stamina!!




A final pose by all the performers and a nice view of the balding VIPs.

And then, I think, the next was the Lion Dance performance. I don't know what Lion Dance has to do with Wushu, but GayBoy's performing, and that's why we all went there that night.

Yeah, the one in yellow is my brother. Watch it and see if you can catch him tumble. I've watched this video at least seven times already; I'm so sick of it.

But I'm proud of him too. Annoying as he is, he's actually got some use in him.

And next was some performances by real Chinese Shaolin monks.



These guys would totally kick my ass.

And after an exciting performance, comes the totally yawn-tastic one.


I don't mean to be mean, but this is so not my cup of tea!! Put Fall Out Boy up there with Pete trying to play that Er Hu thing and maybe it'll be fun to watch. But this, NAW. I'd rather skip it. Unfortunately, my ride home was my parents so I had to sit my butt down and listen.


And another drum performance. I truly thought this would be good, but I was sorely mistaken. It sucked ass! I can play better than them. Not the same, but who cares.

(Yes, I'm getting bored of blogging.)



Kissy kissy!


Finally it's over!! I find confetti on the ground a very sad thing indeed, cuz it reminds me of the crash I always feel after a celebration is over.


GayBoy and HamSapLou. They're like polar opposites aren't they. One so tall and skinny, the other so not.

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