Sunday, May 31, 2009

Daddy's Little Girl

It's not my holiday period, but yet I'm acting like it is. I keep making plans in my head to go out and do this, watch that, hang out with who, eat where... Stuff like that. Stuff I should not be thinking of cuz I still have five more weeks of school before it's my two and a half months break.

I've been thinking about what I should do during my break. Obviously I can't be staying home all day and do nothing but watch TV and go online. I just can't do that. Okay, maybe for the first week I can.

No wait, I can't! I just can't la. I'm not the type to stay at home during the day. I'd rather go out and walk. It doesn't matter where I walk. It can be at shopping malls, or all over KL like some lost tourist, or maybe at places I don't go to often like Malacca, or even the park! I used to love walking, feeling the sun burning my epidermis, the welcome breeze drying the sweat on my skin, taking my own sweet time to look at things around me.

Anyway, what I'm saying is that I'm the kind of restless kid that needs to be out and about, at least during the day. At night, I'm content to stay home and snuggle in bed either with my laptop and a bunch of DVDs or a good book. I don't mind staying home at night nearly as much as staying at home during the day.

Which means, during the holidays I will get a job. I'm kinda torn over what job though. Like, should I take a real part-time job like an internship or something? At least this way I'll only work five days a week, and a nine-to-five thing. And then I'll have some free time over the weekend to hang out with whoever. Plus, I also get to gain experience and I think the money's not bad either.

On the other hand, it's probably gonna be mind-numbingly boring. I'm probably gonna be typing letters all day and freezing my butt off in some air-conditioned office and wearing uncomfortable formal clothing. AND!! Working five days a week. I can't decide if that's a pro or a con. Cuz like, I have to work five days a week and that just leaves weekends for me to play.

Or should I do like what I did last year? Get a job in the mall? Long hours, six days a week, but more fun? All I know is, I ain't gonna go back to that godforsaken place called Italiannies to work. There's something about that place that just drains the life out of someone. It's all manners and fake smiles there. Along with the (kinda) sucky pay and the endless hours on my feet, it makes up for a very unforgettable and uncomfortable experience.

No thanks.

But my mom has been saying that I should get a job teaching kids math. I think I can do it! I'm pretty good at math, at least the ones that don't include calculus. Plus, it's $50 a day. Good money leh! But I hate kids. They annoy the f*ck out of me. Sometimes.

Or maybe my dad can just give me money to get out of my mom's hair. I won't mind that!

How how? Oh well, I have five weeks to figure it out. Still got time mah..

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