Saturday, May 30, 2009

Wait Another Day

Okay first off, after that absolute disaster of the fugly blog layout, I'm totally ecstatic that YiMing managed to fix the tinny little flaw that Blogger has and I am now satisfied again with my layout. Yay for HTML geniuses! Which means, after her exams, we are going out to celebrate! With food, naturally. I'm thinking, Gardens Cafe or Italiannies. Or maybe both!

Anyways. I'm totally addicted to Sex and the City. I finally got my box set back from Jess, and I'm already done with Season One! In one day. That's a lot of sex and New York City. I personally don't understand what's the big hoo-hah about Sarah Jessica Parker. I prefer Kristin Davis. Charlotte is so cute with her old fashioned beliefs and the Rabbit addiction.

I'm a huge believer in irony. I really am.

I'm doing an assignment for one of my classes, and the topic is on procrastination. And I keep telling myself I'm gonna start on it soon, but then I go off on Facebook, and Twitter, and reading my Baby Blues comics, and I watched Sex ans the City the entire afternoon, and now it's 12am and I'm still not properly started yet.

My assignment is supposed to be done over the course of a month, where I have to take note of my behaviour and the ways I remedy it. But since I'm doing on procrastination, I have this bright idea of just leaving the first three weeks empty and then squish everything into the fourth week.

Somehow I doubt my lecturer would appreciate it. Whaddaya think?

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