Tuesday, May 12, 2009

D is for Dangerous

Today while brushing my teeth, I had an epiphany of sorts! You know how some people's parents will forever be badgering them to pick something worthy to study in college? And by worthy they mean "Will you earn a lot or not? Live in a big house? Drive a six-figure car??"

Well, I guess I'm lucky in the sense that, although my parents can be crazy controlling and mean to me at times, they really want me to do something that I love, provided that I can make a living out of it. Way back when I was 15, I told my mom that I have an interest in art, and that I would like to go to The One Academy to pursue that dream. My mom was supportive in her own special way. I can continue with my obsession with art, which was mostly body art anyway, but maybe I would like to consider something that has a better prospects (that bloody word took me 15 minutes to recall wth).

Sidestepping a little, I would really love it if I could study to be a piercer of a tattoo artist. I think tattoos are really gorgeous if done properly. But there are so many factors that render this dream hopeless. One, it's definitely not something my parents would approve of. I think the money would be quite good if I were one of the brilliant artists like Kat von D, but I don't think that counts cuz we live in a secluded, closed-minded society. Most people of our parents' generation already think that tattooing as a dumb thing to do (actually, even some of the people in my generation think so too). What would they say if and when they meet with my parents at some posh luncheon benefit thing and they go "Oh my son David? Well, he's a lawyer! He gets paid a lot to do his job. And my daughter Linda? She's the head OB-GYN at Whichever Hospital. But enough about me, what about your kids?" I highly doubt my parents would proudly say "She's a tattoo artist. Last week, she did this amazing piece on Steven Tyler." And two, studying to be an artist requires good schools. Somehow I doubt my parents would endorse me if they don't approve of the vocation I have in mind. And three, there are no schools here that teach this! I'd probably will have to go to LA or something to study that and my parents are so anti-America it's funny they even drink Coca-Cola.

Wow. That's a super long paragraph. I don't even remember my initial point. Haha. I guess this would be a good time to say that I'd be a lousy politician. But then again, I am a good liar, so I guess I could be a good politician. But then again, politics bore me... So yeah, I ain't gonna be a politician. Anyway, after that brief period of time where I wanted to study art, I thought of interior designing. It's art, combined with normalcy. But what my mom didn't approve of it is its paycheck. Unlike normal jobs where you collect your pay at the end of every month, interior designers are like salesmen. They live on the commissions. Which means, either I have to be very good at what I do, or end up eating $1 nasi lemak for the rest of my life, until all the santan gets into my arteries and clog em up with fats and I die a short, unfulfilled life. Sounds good, doesn't it.

I'll pass.

My mom thinks I've got a big mouth, therefore I should be a lawyer. I don't mind being a lawyer, honestly. But the studying, the long hours and the Bar exam! Shiiiit.

So I'm studying psychology. Totally my choice. My mom's not too happy about it (for whatever reason), but I guess after years of watching me struggle to study something I absolutely despise and then fail astronomically (hello, Sejarah!), she finally relented and given me the freedom to study whatever I want.

And back to my epiphany. I've always known I wanted to be a psychologist, just not sure which field I'd go into. Like medicine, psychology has many many fields. I've always been into infant, or child, or adolescent psychology. Maybe even good ol' clinical psychology. But then this morning, I blinked and BAM!! I knew what I wanted to do. I'm gonna go into abnormal psychology for criminals.

I've always been fascinated with prison stuff, hence my obsession with Prison Break and fictional stories situated in jails. I've always wanted to know what drove these people to kill their parents, or to set the town library on fire, or rape only blondes with a certain bust size. I've always wanted to find out what makes pedophiles the way they are, what happened to cause a person to develop Dissociative Identity Disorder with one pathological personality. There's just so many things that come in hand with these crazy people! I just wanna delve into abnormal psychology. There's just so much to study!

Now I just gotta convince my parents to let their favourite daughter (by default) get involved with this super dangerous world. And they want me to study old people. Pfft.

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