Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Although the semester has already begun, classes for all my subjects only start properly next week, so I'm left with days with empty schedules. And because I'm already so sick of staying at home, I went to college. It's so weird, cuz like when I actually have to go for class, I get all lazy and try to wriggle out of it. But when I don't have classes, I go to college for fun.

It's a topsy-turvy world we live in.

Was supposed to have lunch with Monkey, but then KarMun was bored at the hostel, so we brought her along with us to have lunch at Bangsar Shopping Center's Chili's. I think the nachos that they have at BSC were waaaay better than those at 1Utama. Maybe it's cuz we replaced the beef with chicken, but I think it had something to do with the fact that the cheese on the nachos were thick. They're more generous with their cheese. The Swiss Mushroom Burger wasn't as nice as the 1Utama's branch's. Oh well. You can't win 'em all. I liked KarMun's mashed potato though. I never knew they had mash.

After that, we decided to walk about to digest some of our lunch cuz we were so stuffed. Gawd. After walking all over the tinny mall, we spotted Times Bookstore and decided to nerdify ourselves with books. While KarMun looked at real books, I went wandering around the store and found myself at the cards section. You know, the section where they sell those lil gifts and the Hallmark cards. I was never a fan of greeting cards; they always just get tossed somewhere, or maybe even into the bin.

But since I had nothing better to do, I started reading the cards and some of them are really funny! I was reading lame cards one after another, while passing the lamer ones to Monkey and we just stood there partially hidden from the rest of the store and snorting at Hallmark's attempt to be funny.

After I got bored with the cards, I went over to the kiddie section and sat my butt down at the tinny table there. And on the table was this picture book with a puppet named Sid, and I made Monkey read the book to me. Haha! So funnyyyyy.

Then we grabbed comics, KarMun with her Calvin and Hobbes and Monkey and I with Baby Blues. We sat down on the kiddie table, opened the books and giggled our hearts away. Monkey's miffed that she couldn't convert me into a Trekkie and instead converted me to a Baby Blues' fan without even trying. What can I say, babies are much cuter than Klingons. Or whatever it's called.


Haha, fathers...

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