Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Alone In This World

Whoever that said that blood is thicker than water, well, the genius has obviously never met my brother. I never thought the little cunt would sink so low. I guess even after living under the same roof with someone for 15 years, they can still surprise you. Who would have thought?

Lesson learnt. You can never trust anyone, especially your family. At least not the one you are born with. Is it any wonder that my friends, the family that I picked, are ranked higher than the family I was born with?

I know he's reading this. And I'm just gonna say I'm severing all ties with him. He is no longer my brother, I am no longer his sister. Betrayal does that to you. Who can you trust but yourself? My parents used to tell me that my friends are here for me now cuz I have something that I want, but when I need something, it will be family that will back me up.


The family I belong in does not care. At least not my brother. He takes what he wants, and he gives only when he wants something back. What kind of person does that? Especially to his own sister. Nothing is a favor, everything he does for me, he expects something back or he demands his favor back.

He can rot in hell for all I care. I have never, ever, ever hated anyone so much in any moment ever in my life. The one family member I thought I could count on when I need him turns out to be a good-for-nothing, lowlife piece of shit.

And now what family am I left with?

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