Thursday, August 27, 2009

Real World

I'm heading back to KL in a couple more hours' time, and I couldn't be any sadder. It's not that Penang itself is so awesome, it really isn't (except for the really cheap food) but it's just the past four days that I've spent here are some of the best days I've had this year.

It's not the sight-seeing that I've enjoyed, but being able to spend so much time with someone I love, that's the best part. Getting burned under the hot sun, sweating bucket loads while waiting for the bus, walking from one point to the other, going to landmarks and taking goofy pictures, eating Panda biscuits and hearing our laughter bounce off everything... Those are the memories I wish I could pull out of my mind and revisit them again.

The best part was making a split decision to visit the beach. Walking along the invisible line where the ocean melts into the sand, our feet being tickled by the warm foamy water and sand giving way under the pressure, yelping as the waves crashed around our legs and getting the bottom of our shorts wet and finally just sitting on the log conveniently placed half-buried in the sand and watching the sun set and paint the sky pink, purple, orange and red, that was when I realized that that would be what I miss most when I leave. The serenity, the assurance of something familiar, the feeling of contentment, the good fortune of loving and being loved, the fleeting chance to escape velocity, to leave the real world behind.


Aquí es donde me enamoré de nuevo con ustedes.

Here is where I've found the most happiness in a while. I got rid of reality for a while, where I could be whoever I want under the cloak of anonymity. Here, I realized how liberating it is to just forget about reality for a while, and live in the moment. Here, I got in touch with my feelings again, remembering how potent they can be, instead of stealing scattered moments.

Isn't that what life is about? I've been so busy chasing the future, planning what to do in the next minute, the next hour, the next day that I've forgot that what counts most is being in the present and feeling. Just feeling.

And now, I don't want to go back to the real world.

And I'd give up forever to touch you
'Cause I know that you feel me somehow.
You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be
And I don't want to go home right now.

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