Saturday, August 22, 2009

The Distance

I'm heading off to Penang tomorrow! Till Thursday. Who wants what? NakedMoleNat wants sand. I can do that! Sand for everyone! Yes, I'm really excited about going to Penang. Cuz I'm not going with my parents! And for the first time in recent memory, I'm gonna go do the tourist thing, walking around with a huge bag filled with water and a camera slung around my neck for taking 349 pictures a day, visiting temples, eating awesome food and getting a really good tan in the meantime.

I realize I tan really easily. The other day, KayKay and I went to the butterfly farm and I tanned after staying about two hours under the sun. Well, actually my arms got tanned, my face got burned. Haha

But yeah, PENANG!! Too bad Karmun's back in KL now, or she could be my tour guide. But so far, I've got Batu Ferringhi, Fort Cornwallis, Kek Lok Si, the Snake Temple, Penang Hill, the Penang War Museum (should I? I'm not a fan of war) and the Toy Museum. I think that should be enough right? Cuz I'm only gonna be there for three and a half days (coming back on Thursday morning, boo-hoo) and half of Wednesday's booked off for Alison's siexteenth birthday, so seven places isn't bad right?

Oh and the Coach sneaker that I want? It costs Rm475! Whatthefuck. The dude told me the price and I was like "...Oh. Er, okay. =( !"

I want it so bad! It's so pretty.

I'm currently going on a Bon Jovi binge. Just got the entire discography, so it'll be Bon Jovi for the rest of the month! Maybe I'll get back to FOB after this....

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