Thursday, July 23, 2009


I remember the first ever alien movie I've ever watched was the silly Mars Attack! waaaay back when I was still a kid.


It was soooo ridiculous that I actually had it in my head that all aliens were a little psychotic, but nothing to be scared of. Then came along the violent aliens of Aliens vs Predator, and I got nightmares from those ugly bastards. And since then, Hollywood has churned out more and more movies with aliens in them like how Old Town Kopitiam pops up on every street corner. What's up with that anyway?

But I digress.

I've always been fascinated with this whole concept of aliens. See, the Earth is only one planet in our solar system that revolves around a star we call the Sun, which is but only one star in our Solar System, and our solar system is only one of the countless solar systems in the Milky Way, which is one of the numerous galaxies in the universe. You get what I mean? And that is only assuming that there is only one dimension, instead of the proposed alternate realities. And wouldn't it be kinda presumptuous of us to assume that we're the only planet with living beings on it?

Assuming that there
are aliens out there, wouldn't it be amazing if we were to have contact with the non-violent ones? Like Transformers, hehe.


There's just so much that we can learn from them, you know? Again, assuming that their race's technology is far superior than ours and not some Planet of the Apes kind of barbarics. And now there's a new alien movie on the block!


District 9 by Peter Jackson. He's the Lord of the Rings dude, right? Anyway, after the disaster that is Knowing, I've absolutely been craving for another alien movie that will at least offer a better explanation for the whole alien thing. Gah! And look, the aliens have tentacles sprouting from their noses, how distracting!

I wanna watch this movieeee. If only some nice blog advertising community would give me a couple of premiere tickets *hint hint*. =D

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