Thursday, June 11, 2009

Chasing The Night

I've never liked wedding dinners. They always dragged on too long and I never understood what was going on.

But,somehow I was pretty excited for the one I went to last Saturday. It was Kimmy's sister Elizabeth's wedding dinner and it was at Sime Darby Convention Center.

Now, I don't know why, but when I found out that it was going to be at SDCC, my first impression was like, "Har. Sime Darby? But don't they like, produce tires or something??" Turns out, I couldn't be farther from the truth. They have this whole developing company or something. Dunno lah. I wasn't listening to my dad when he was explaining it to me.

Anyhoo. I forgot to take pictures of how the place looks like cuz I was late. Haha! As usual lah. But I did manage to snap shots once I got settled in, before dinner.


Alien spaceships! Mushrooms growing from the ceilings! Oh, I wish. Magic mushrooms. Hmmm. Ahem. Weird decor.



So pretty lah my handwriting. Teehee! This is like, total doctor punya handwriting lah. I hope the happy couple will be able to read what's on the card. Then EeMay was like "Eh, take pictures of all the food!" So that's what we did.


The Four Seasons thingy. They had this tiny crab thing and I totally suck at using chopsticks so I got someone else to do it for me. Haha! Or I'd end up like Zhi, digging out the food from the crab shells with a chopstick.


I'd probably be doing that too, but with my hands.

Yes, I'm barbaric. Don't like ah?!


And what's a Chinese dinner without sharks' fin soup?


Okay la, no sharks' fin. But the color and texture sure looks like! It's shredded crab meat and hella lot of scallops, which I like. My second bowl had like, four scallops which I graciously donated one to EeMay cuz she got food for me before that.


And chicken with mango! Which was pretty good, actually. I don't normally eat chicken with chopsticks, but I could for this one cuz the meat was like soft and succulent enough to tear apart with chopsticks. It takes skillz, yo.


Cod fish, which was weird. I don't know la. The fish I usually eat are softer, and it's like they just give when I bite down on them, like it separates into smaller bits and I don't know what I'm talking about. Bottom line is, the fish tasted different from the ones I usually have at home. It's chewier and I don't know if it's a good thing or not. Someone enlighten me!


Prawns which I didn't eat cuz I don't know how to use chopsticks to de-shell them. Plus, it looks a little yucky, doesn't it? Look at all the feelers! An the murky gravy! And I was full. Haha! This was when EeMay and I decided that we were bored of food and went out to the open bar to look for drinks, but they ran out. Bummer.


Melty melty hearts made out of ice. Ya know, I think that's kinda ironic. Ice hearts? Melting hearts? HELLO! Does anyone else see how pantang that is?!

Okay, maybe it's just me. But it's so so so pretty!

And since they ran out of drinks (or at least, the ones we wanted), we made our way back in just in time for the champagne part. Only, we don't get any. What la! Everything also don't get to get. Next time I shall BMOA. Bring my own alcohol. Haha. Why am I talking like I'm drunk?!


Fascinating. Oh look, cake!






Look at Kimmy's face, so cute!

Oh and we get to see Kimmy's artistic skills put to good use.








Aww, so cute la.

Kimmy drunk makes a very interesting sight.


Her heels are now guns.



Kimmy has glue on her you-know.

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