Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Summer Shudder

Summer is here, which means a whole slew of blockbusters are gonna hit our screens soon.

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen arrives in cinemas on the 26th of June.


The Transformers movies are also a live action movie based on the toys, Transformers. As a sequel to 2007's Transformers, this movie picks up where the last movie left off. Director Michael Bay, producer Steven Speilberg and visual effects supervisor Scott Farrar returns, so the movie should be as good as the first one, if not better! And Leonard Nimoy from Star Trek also voices the Fallen, that huge robot Optimus Prime fights with in the trailer.


According to websites online, Starscream took over Megatron and decide to capture Sam (Shia LeBeouf) because he has been getting visions from the remaining piece of the Allspark. The climax battle scene takes place at the Giza pyramid complex in Egypt. They're introducing a lot more robots in the second movie, with Hasbro actively involved with the designs of the new Transformers. There should be more close-ups of the robots, and they're made more realistic because they now spit and outgas and even snort!

More things around them break and splinter, and each IMAX frame took days to master.


One way or the other, I'm gonna watch this on the first day and then maybe watch it over and over again. Oh oh even better they have some premier thing.. I waaaaant!!

And I want to watch it on IMAX too. Gawd. And the third Transformers movie has already received the green light, although scriptwriters and directors and the lot are not confirmed yet.


Bumblebee's so cute! And overprotective as well. Also, now instead of being a fifth generation Chevrolet Camaro, Bumblebee is now a 2010 Super Sport version of the Camaro! Apparently it's to signify him being stronger after getting his legs fixed (from when they were destroyed in the first film).

And next is Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.


The movie hits our screens on the 16th of July, which is absolutely perfect cuz my finals will be over by then! I've become super kiasu la, I gotta be among the first to watch movies now. Tsk.


You can see in this poster that Dumbledore has that rotting, dead hand. He dies in this movie and I cried while reading the book. I know, I know. How lame.


Nah, Debra, just for you.


I don't think I need to elaborate on this movie cuz everyone already knows what's gonna happen. Voldermort gains strength, Harry looks for clues to Voldermort's past, Dumbledore prepares Harry for his final fight with Voldermort, teenage hormones go crazy in Hogwarts... And then, Dumbledore dies. The end.


I actually don't remember much from the book anymore. It's been ages since I've read them and I hardly have the time to re-read. Maybe I should get Debra to write for this movie instead....

And then on the 7th of August, GI Joe: The Rise of Cobra.


Now since GI Joe was before my time (my time was the time of Power Rangers and My Little Pony), I don't really know much about this Hasbro toy. However, Channing Tatum plays the role of Duke (just like in She's the Man!) and that's good enough reason for me to catch this movie in the cinema. And Karolina Kurkova's in the movie too? Didn't know that, but awesome much?!


I know nothing about GI Joe, and this movie is supposed to clear things up for newbies like me. And if you already know the general story, this movie explains all about the origins of the Cobra Organization. I think it's like Star Trek, where it provides comfort for the old fans, and understanding for the newly converted ones. I think lah.


The trailer's pretty cool; it shows this weird green stuff destroying the Eiffle Tower.


Okay, so there's only three blockbusters this summer season, but they're all heavy weights. Plus, there's the whole recession thing, so it's not too bad laa. I can't wait for summer!

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